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Wigan Council

Question: If you could change one thing to make any where better what would you change? also why do you want to be a councillor?

Asked by ponymad to Gary, James, Paul, Sean on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Paul TushinghamPaul Tushingham answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    I would love to stop all wars and evil in the World.

    I wanted to be a Councillor to help people and especially those who need someone to stand up for them. Hopefully thats me!


  • Photo: Gary WilkesGary Wilkes answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    Hi Ponymad…I take it you like horse’s? sorry ponys…
    I would change the way we take our Health for granted.., In Wigan we have a very poor record of looking after ourselves..we all need to remind oneanother that Fast food every day is not good for us, we have far too many fast food shops in my area, how’s your area for fast food shops? I bet you have loads?
    I would advice people on how to become more healthy and try to point out to them that if you dont eat the right foods you will become ill..We need to all work together on this to make people in Wigan Live longer and happier lives…
    I want to be a Councilor because I like helping people..and talking to young peole like you…
    Thanks for your question regards Gary 🙂



  • Photo: ponymadponymad commented on 14 Oct 2010:

    thanx paul how bout u gary???????


  • Photo: aishaaisha commented on 15 Oct 2010:

    alot Gary alot
