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Wigan Council

Question: would you fix up parks?

Asked by rosie to Gary, Paul, Sean on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Paul TushinghamPaul Tushingham answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    Yes I would and in my area that’s exactly what I have been doing. Come to Ashton parks and have a look for yourself. thanks.


  • Photo: Gary WilkesGary Wilkes answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    HI Rosie,
    Yes… 😉 I would , this is an area which i feel the council do not put enough time and effot in, we need parks that strech the mind as well as being physically chalenging. We need more BMX parks Skate parks, Gaffiti walls and team meets.
    I take my family to a park in Leyland called Werdon park, its fantastic, clean and lots of things to do, the play area is massive.
    I also like the idea of Adult paly Parks as well….Similar to the ones at McDonalds, when your Mum or Dad needs an escape, you pop into an adult play park, they give you a freshly laundered t-shirt and shorts, and they spend the next 15 minutes or so, swinging, sliding, playing in the ball pit, jumping on the bouncy castle, or just sitting and sucking on your thumb. Then you go shower, put on your business suit, and get back to work…what do you think…:)

