Question: where did you go: nursery
primary school
high school
and why did you go to them;couldn't you have gone to a public school if you went to a private or bourding school?
Asked by aisha
to Gary, James, Paul, Sean on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: About.
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I went to Evans Primary (also known as the British School) which is now a nursing home in the middle of Ashton. I attended Cansfield High school (different name when I was there) and then onto College and finally University at Liverpool. I also did reserach work at Sheffield University.
Hi aisha … WOW, where do i start with this one? my first school was St. Pauls in Goose Green, the St Peters in Bryn, then Cansfield in Ashton from there I went to Wigan College and, later on, Royal Signals Training College.
I dont agree with private or boarding schools, this makes elitism acceptable. Most people who attended private or boarding school feel far superior to those who didnt, i feel people who have attended private school have a very limited number of friends and tend to only mix with their own kind. Prime example of this is David Cameron, not many people like him. Someone who, I feel, doesnt understand the hard working class. Thanks, good question. Gary.