Question: what would u do about people who had children and were homeless
Asked by charlotte12345 to Gary, Paul, Sean on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: General.
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Asked by charlotte12345 to Gary, Paul, Sean on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: General.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
I have helped homless people and families needed housing. Wigan Council has provision to try and look after people but we do need more family homes building. Its quite sad listening to some cases – I always do my best to help them.
Hi charlotte
I have come across people in this situation and its very sad to find people with children and are homeless. it is the duty of the council to find housing for any homeless person.
I have referred people to the Property Shop which deals with this type of issue. We need more council properties to be build to address this problem of homelessness. I have campaigned for Wigan council to have the right to build council properties which is now taking place.
Thanks for your question. Gary.