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Wigan Council

Question: Is education going to get better?

Asked by lucy1 to Gary, Sean, Paul, James on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Paul TushinghamPaul Tushingham answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    Education and standards have improved over the years and I am sure it will continue to improve. Do your best at school as this will determine what job you can do.


  • Photo: Gary WilkesGary Wilkes answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    Hi lucy … this is a tough one and probably a question your teacher is more qualified to ask than i am. I will say education should be made fun because you learn more in a fun environment. I think that the good kids should be rewarded more and the unruly ones should learn to lose out a lot more than they do at present.

    We used to have the cane when i was at school for the unruly kids, disagree with it or not, it worked.

    The Government should invest more money in teachers, that way your teacher can give you more time and dedication to make the classroom a fun environment and not work all the time.

    Thanks. Gary.

