ASB is a problem and we need to deal with it firmly. I think some of the measures take too long, in some cases over a year. This is riddiculous and we need to make sure that those who misbehave face the local Magistrate and answer for their bad behaviour.
Hi, I feel we must provide more diverse activities to address ASB.
I have been involved with all sorts of Scheme’s to stop ASB in Bryn, for example we organised Wigan Ath to do some football coaching as well as Sports development to do other sports with the kids, we then took all the good kids to North Face in Warrington to do some rock climbing. This was sponsored by the Big Lottery as this schme cost over £10,000 to do for but it lasted 12 months…ASB is a big issue and we all need to work together to stop it.
Thanks for your question, Regards
ASB is a problem and we need to deal with it firmly. I think some of the measures take too long, in some cases over a year. This is riddiculous and we need to make sure that those who misbehave face the local Magistrate and answer for their bad behaviour.
I deal with Anti Social Behaviour by working closely with the victims and the Police to work out effective solution within the community.
Hi, I feel we must provide more diverse activities to address ASB.
I have been involved with all sorts of Scheme’s to stop ASB in Bryn, for example we organised Wigan Ath to do some football coaching as well as Sports development to do other sports with the kids, we then took all the good kids to North Face in Warrington to do some rock climbing. This was sponsored by the Big Lottery as this schme cost over £10,000 to do for but it lasted 12 months…ASB is a big issue and we all need to work together to stop it.
Thanks for your question, Regards