Question: how do you feel about young childern playing were there are glass that as been smashed and were sometimes that are drugs?
Asked by nash99 to Paul, James, Gary on 11 Oct 2010 in Categories: Local Facilities.
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I live near a field where idiots have smashed glass bottles on the grass. The field is used by young children; teenagers and those walking dogs. It is disgraceful that these mindless vandals cause such a dangerous problem, even when bins are provided! This means we have to have the area constantly cleaned and monitored. We need to fine these people and make them go around picking up the pieces.
Obviously it shouldn’t happen, these areas should be reported and clean as soon as possible.
I don’t like it one bit…Nash….I think we should have safe areas so you and your friends can play.
I think we should have teem meets, Cyber Cafe’s and more clubs in the evenings.
If you see glass on any paly area please cntact the Council on 244991 and report it, don’t put up with it..
Regards Nash