When I was at school, the subjects I did best in were the ones that the Teacher made enjoyable and fun. this can be either the teaching style or the materials and wasy in which the subject was taught. I even liked maths!!!
Hi, Yes I agree education should be fun..You learn more in a fun environment.. 😉
I think you should be rewarded more as well, I see bad kids getting rewarded more than the good one’s in today’s society, this needs to be turned round so you are encourage to do well.
Regards and thanks for your question..
When I was at school, the subjects I did best in were the ones that the Teacher made enjoyable and fun. this can be either the teaching style or the materials and wasy in which the subject was taught. I even liked maths!!!
I think at Primary school learning should be as fun as possible. Using games will allow children to learn complex things, whilst not realising it.
Hi, Yes I agree education should be fun..You learn more in a fun environment.. 😉
I think you should be rewarded more as well, I see bad kids getting rewarded more than the good one’s in today’s society, this needs to be turned round so you are encourage to do well.
Regards and thanks for your question..