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Wigan Council

Question: when i go out the toilets are absolutely filthy are you going to make a move or leae it to another councillor

Asked by aisha to Gary, James, Paul, Sean on 7 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: James CowleyJames Cowley answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    Please expand the question are you talking about public toilets?


  • Photo: Paul TushinghamPaul Tushingham answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    Please let me know which toilets you are speaking of then I can get someone to clean them if needed. Thanks.


  • Photo: Gary WilkesGary Wilkes answered on 7 Oct 2010:

    Hi aisha,
    You are dead right the toilets in our borough are far from perfect, we as a Council need to do more to improve them.
    I have tried; we have a set of public toilets in Ashton. I contacted the Council and they had them cleaned up and re-painted, but sadly they are as bad as ever again.
    Can I apologies for your experience of public toilets in Wigan and we must do more to improve them.
    Thank you



  • Photo: aishaaisha commented on 7 Oct 2010:

    I’m talking in general-when you go out and about : they stink , look like a dump yard and terrible to use
