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Wigan Council

Question: hi its ponymad and my hair is ginger and i get made fun of all the time i really dont like it coze its not nice could you do anything bout that or would it be up to the school teachers

Asked by ponymad to Gary on 15 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Gary WilkesGary Wilkes answered on 15 Oct 2010:

    Hi Ponymad … this is a form of bullying for a start, as name calling isnt nice when you are on the receiving end. My father in law has (or had) ginger hair and i sympathise what you are going through. You need to talk to a teacher or your parents for help with this matter.

    I am assuming that you have a horse, or pony, with a name like ponymad. What’s it’s name? Thanks. Gary.

