Question: buses the other day I sent a question on bus fares;can't the council open a bus stand and bus (maybe a few) which would be cheaper and you can run other companies out of business right?
Asked by aisha
to Gary, Paul on 15 Oct 2010 in Categories: Transport.
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hi, aisha, this is a good question. this is already happening, but public transport is not run by the council, it is run by a bigger umbrella organisation called GMITA. they have the power to award contracts to the lowest tender (contract) this tender process is very complicated and the winner must keep to a certain set of rules and prices it isnt just a simple case of out pricing a competitor. Some bus routes make more money than others and some bus routes are heavily subsidised by the GMITA. I am in favour of free public transport to all students in full-time education; this would include you.
Thanks. Gary.
The trouble is that buses are owned by private companies. I agree with you; we should own and run them for the public. I also think school buses should be totally free