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Wigan Council

Question: Dog owners let their dogs foul the streets and people keep steping in it, so what are you going to do about it?

Asked by jassa01 to Gary, James, Paul, Sean on 12 Oct 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by xxizzyxx.

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  • Photo: Paul TushinghamPaul Tushingham answered on 11 Oct 2010:

    Yes, there are laws already for people allowing their dogs to foul. We need more officers to enforce fines. Dog mess is a real nuisance and can be dangerous to young children/babies.

    I think some owners are good, but others need to shape up!! Good question.


  • Photo: Gary WilkesGary Wilkes answered on 11 Oct 2010:

    Hi jassa,
    I will report it it if see any dog owner not cleaning up after their pet.
    If you too see any dog doing this, again report it, 244991 don’t just put up with it, it’s not safe and its not fare.


  • Photo: Sean EllSean Ell answered on 11 Oct 2010:

    Its important people take responsibility for their own actions & society holds those that don’t to account.


  • Photo: James CowleyJames Cowley answered on 12 Oct 2010:


    Those people should pick up their pets mess, but if they are not then they should be reported.

