In 2000, our Country agreed to reduce world debt by the year 2015. Its now 10 years down the line so we need to remind all those in positions of power to do something about it. We do need to share our wealth with poorer countries who are in need. Good question.
Hi, We already give lots of money to countries that need our help.
Times are hard and I feel we should be doing more to help people in this country before we start to help others.
I’m not saying we should stop giving money to them just our our needs should come first.
Thanks Gary
There’s an interesting book by Dambisa Moyo called “Dead Aid”, published by Penguin Books (2009). I suggest you read it. It shows how Aid in itself is not working and explores other ways that we can help poor countries develop. Micro-finance is one of the options and helps the very poor people in AFrica expand their businesses through the village. This helps stop corrupt people stealing the money from those that need it. Its important that as individuals we take responsibility for the world we live in, the Council shouldn’t give Aid to other countries its outside of its remit. As individuals though I’m sure many Councillors, like myself, participate in donating to charities providing opportunities for people abroad to beat the poverty trap.
In 2000, our Country agreed to reduce world debt by the year 2015. Its now 10 years down the line so we need to remind all those in positions of power to do something about it. We do need to share our wealth with poorer countries who are in need. Good question.
Hi, We already give lots of money to countries that need our help.
Times are hard and I feel we should be doing more to help people in this country before we start to help others.
I’m not saying we should stop giving money to them just our our needs should come first.
Thanks Gary
There’s an interesting book by Dambisa Moyo called “Dead Aid”, published by Penguin Books (2009). I suggest you read it. It shows how Aid in itself is not working and explores other ways that we can help poor countries develop. Micro-finance is one of the options and helps the very poor people in AFrica expand their businesses through the village. This helps stop corrupt people stealing the money from those that need it. Its important that as individuals we take responsibility for the world we live in, the Council shouldn’t give Aid to other countries its outside of its remit. As individuals though I’m sure many Councillors, like myself, participate in donating to charities providing opportunities for people abroad to beat the poverty trap.
The national government are in control of International Aid, through the Department of International Development.