By exposing these bullies for what they are. Schools should deal firmly with them. The school at which I ama Governor have a anti-bullying policy – it seesm to work well.
It’s a tough problem to deal with, we need a lot of new ways of working the resolve the problem. This could be by empowering those who have been bullied to help develop anonymous systems of reporting. All this said we need to make sure that children and adults report bullying to relevant people as soon as possible, so it doesn’t spiral into something worse.
By exposing these bullies for what they are. Schools should deal firmly with them. The school at which I ama Governor have a anti-bullying policy – it seesm to work well.
Hi mollie,
you must talk to your parents first then your teachers, but please tell your friends not to ignore it.
thanks Gary
It’s a tough problem to deal with, we need a lot of new ways of working the resolve the problem. This could be by empowering those who have been bullied to help develop anonymous systems of reporting. All this said we need to make sure that children and adults report bullying to relevant people as soon as possible, so it doesn’t spiral into something worse.