Cant stand bullies, whether this is emotional or physical. They need reporting. Lets all work hard to stamp out bullies – we dion’t need or want them!! Time to go bullies!!!!
Hi, I don’t like bullies, cheats and liers…
I feel Bullies are cowards and we all need to stand up against them.
I was bullied once..I decided enough was enough and stand up against he is nothing more than a sad person..We all get bullied in one shape or you get older there are still bullies even at work..
so we must stand together against them…
Cant stand bullies, whether this is emotional or physical. They need reporting. Lets all work hard to stamp out bullies – we dion’t need or want them!! Time to go bullies!!!!
I hate Bullies, they need to be exposed to both teachers, and parents. Don’t let them ever get away with bullying or they will carry on doing it.
Hi, I don’t like bullies, cheats and liers…
I feel Bullies are cowards and we all need to stand up against them.
I was bullied once..I decided enough was enough and stand up against he is nothing more than a sad person..We all get bullied in one shape or you get older there are still bullies even at work..
so we must stand together against them…