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Wigan Council

Question: Would you like to like to move on to bigger and better things in politics and perhaps become an MP or even PM one day?

Asked by xxizzyxx to Gary, James, Paul, Sean on 8 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: James CowleyJames Cowley answered on 8 Oct 2010:

    I hope to become an MP one day, but I am enjoying my role as a local councillor, it is very rewarding.


  • Photo: Paul TushinghamPaul Tushingham answered on 8 Oct 2010:

    People have asked me about becoming an MP but I am happy to serve locally and work hard for my area.


  • Photo: Gary WilkesGary Wilkes answered on 8 Oct 2010:



  • Photo: Sean EllSean Ell answered on 8 Oct 2010:

    If Parliament was moved to the North maybe, but I wouldn’t want to live in London so at the moment I’m happy doing what I do.

