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Wigan Council

Question: please could we have more local shops around

Asked by katie to Paul on 6 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Paul TushinghamPaul Tushingham answered on 6 Oct 2010:

    In Ashton Ward we have a wealth of shops. What we dont have any more are what used to be called Corner Shops. These tended to disappear over the years due to Supermarkets. Of course, we now have Express Shops to deal with. Although we may want more shops, we need Traders to decide if its worth opening a shop. Without the people using our local shops we will continue to have a vicious circle. I am very keen for local people to use our local services. Hopefully this could attract new ones.



  • Photo: GaryGary commented on 6 Oct 2010:

    HI Katie, this is hard to solve as our shopping habits have changed over the years; we tend to shop at Asda, Tesco and other large supermarkets.
    If you know Golborne at all this is a classic example of how large supermarkets have closed a small town, it has very little local shops because the near by supermarket has out priced and out matched the local traders.
    I would love to see more local shops in my area of Bryn and Ashton, but until we change our shopping habits we will see very little in the way of new local small business.
    Just ask yourself how do your parents shop?
    Do they shop at small local shops or big supermarkets?

    Thank you for the question.
    It was a good one.
