If I was Prime Minister, one of the first things I would do is reverse the cutting of new schools across our country. Then I would make Higher Education free again, with the introduction of an extra tax for those who have graduated from university. Investment in education is an investment in you, our countries future.
If I were to be PM, I would ensure that all Politicians only do whats best for the people and serve the public, not the Party. I would also ensure that we make sure our weak and vulnerable citizens are looked after; abolish tuition fees and not to get involved in world matters that are not of our concern ie wars!!
Hi .Again Izzy, good question..lots
1. Free travel for kids as long as they are in full time education, (Train, Bus and trams.)
2. Free entry to health clubs and leisure centres (to keep our young fit and active)
3. Every pupil to have there own School Lap top Computer, (for School home work etc.)
4. Jail for anyone who gets involved with drug pushing and selling drugs of any kind.
5. Bring back hanging for first degree Murder.
6. I would make summer term only 4 weeks but add 2 weeks to the Christmas term.
7. Stop travel companies making money on families by over pricing their holidays when School terms are on.
8. Stop taking tax from our pensioners.
9. Make it snow every year like the one we had this year( we enjoyed it) more snow please.
10 Scrap University fee’s make it free for all, and not just the rich..
Lots more.. Good question
I’m a Classic Libertarian so I believe in the primacy of economic freedom and minimal government, so the changes I would bring in would be to implement that belief. So things like a low Flat tax, where everbody pays the same,
If I was Prime Minister, one of the first things I would do is reverse the cutting of new schools across our country. Then I would make Higher Education free again, with the introduction of an extra tax for those who have graduated from university. Investment in education is an investment in you, our countries future.
If I were to be PM, I would ensure that all Politicians only do whats best for the people and serve the public, not the Party. I would also ensure that we make sure our weak and vulnerable citizens are looked after; abolish tuition fees and not to get involved in world matters that are not of our concern ie wars!!
Hi .Again Izzy, good question..lots
1. Free travel for kids as long as they are in full time education, (Train, Bus and trams.)
2. Free entry to health clubs and leisure centres (to keep our young fit and active)
3. Every pupil to have there own School Lap top Computer, (for School home work etc.)
4. Jail for anyone who gets involved with drug pushing and selling drugs of any kind.
5. Bring back hanging for first degree Murder.
6. I would make summer term only 4 weeks but add 2 weeks to the Christmas term.
7. Stop travel companies making money on families by over pricing their holidays when School terms are on.
8. Stop taking tax from our pensioners.
9. Make it snow every year like the one we had this year( we enjoyed it) more snow please.
10 Scrap University fee’s make it free for all, and not just the rich..
Lots more.. Good question
I’m a Classic Libertarian so I believe in the primacy of economic freedom and minimal government, so the changes I would bring in would be to implement that belief. So things like a low Flat tax, where everbody pays the same,